12 February 2020

5G numbers across the world

Just over a year ago, we published in this blog an article explaining how and why we expect, over the next five years, a boom...
11 December 2019

What do you need to know about CNC machining?

Industrial automation, which during the 20th century has permitted incredible technological advances in the manufacturing sector, is mostly based on the use of increasingly sophisticated...
14 November 2019

What is plastic injection molding

Over the years, we at FAIST have developed skills and abilities in supplying plastic components, in order to satisfy market demand and improve our operations...
18 October 2019

What is metal stamping

Metal stamping is a cold-forming process that makes use of dies and stamping presses to transform sheet metal into different shapes. Pieces of flat sheet...
18 September 2019

What is high-pressure die casting?

The FAIST Group is specialised in high-pressure die casting. Due to our extensive experience, close collaboration with our clients, our drive to push past expectations...
12 September 2019

Tool Shop striving for improvement

FAIST Light Metals Engineering is constantly looking for new strategies to improve the efficiency of its processes and reduce “muda”. From the analysis carried out...