25 February 2021

Data centers market insight

In the last year, despite the downturn linked to the pandemic effects, few sectors of the economy, namely internet service providers (ISPs), information technology (IT)...
18 February 2021

FAIST Group is sailing into the future

“A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist waits for it to change direction, a realist changes course.” (Nicolas Chamfort) The ability to find its...
30 December 2020

How are we going to lighten automobiles?

The need to save on vehicles’ fuel consumption is becoming increasingly important for car manufacturers, for many reasons. Among them, consumers being much more informed...
12 November 2020

A new FAIST CPS components range

FAIST’s Controls and Propulsion System (CPS) division, with its R&D department, has been developing in the last twenty years several products for the automotive market....