27 May 2022

New photovoltaic system in FAIST Componenti

POR FESR 2014-2020 Asse IV - Azione 4.1.1. - Sostegno agli investimenti per l’efficienza energetica e l’utilizzo delle fonti di energia rinnovabili – Efficienza energetica...
11 May 2022

2022 manufacturing industry outlook

We all know that we are living in unprecedented times: among other indicators, the fact that the manufacturing industry is growing, undeterred by the headwinds...
23 February 2022

CO2 targets and commercial vehicles

The climate summits which have taken place over the last decades, including COP26 held in October and November 2021, have repeatedly underlined the need for...
18 November 2021

Navigating through a V.U.C.A. world

In a business context as the one of today, characterized by sudden change and influenced by a great number of variabilities, it is not unusual...