18 November 2021

Navigating through a V.U.C.A. world

In a business context as the one of today, characterized by sudden change and influenced by a great number of variabilities, it is not unusual...
22 July 2021

What is application engineering?

First of all, please present yourself to the readers outlining what is your role in FAIST CPS division. My name is Domenico Carnevale, I am...
15 June 2021

Smart Metering deployment in the EU

To enable consumer-centric electricity, or generally speaking utilities markets, consumers should be equipped at least with a smart meter, as provided in the Directive of...
13 May 2021

The future of cloud with 5G

In an article published in February 2021, Ericsson highlights the role of 5G in the development of cloud technology, whilst recognising the central role of...