
India will be ready for 5G before other nations

During IMC 2018 (Indian Mobile Congress 2018), held between the 25th and 28th October 2018, the words of Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani attracted a great deal of attention.

A magnate of Indian industry, president and CEO and major shareholder of Reliance Industries Limited, (RIL), one of the top Indian businesses due to its market value, Mukesh Ambani stated that India will be ready for the 5G revolution before other nations.

Here’s the video of his comments.

India ranks first place for mobile data usage

As highlighted by Ambani during his speech at the IMC 2018, India has passed from 155th place to first place in the world rankings of mobile data usage.

This achievement is even more incredible if you consider the time in which this happened: just two years.

That is simply the faster 2G to 4G transition in the world.

According to his forecasts, India will have complete coverage for a 4G network by 2020 and will be ready for a 5G network before every single other country.

A country connected to the digital revolution

This means that every Indian citizen, despite where they might live, will have access to a fast 4G connection, absolutely vital for the development of farming businesses, and for the owners and managers of small retail outlets and companies.

These represent the interlinked economic networks of the country, which will enjoy huge benefits deriving from the digital revolution.

During his speech, Mukesh Ambani pointed out the need by a country which is still largely rural, to have access to a powerful and stable Internet network.

Ambani reminded us that for hundreds of millions of inhabitants the smartphone was not just their first phone, but also their initial access point to information and entertainment.

The development of the 5G network in India will kick-off a new revolution, including the smartphone, IoT, artificial intelligence, and machine learning; things that just a few years ago were unimaginable.

Data from the India Mobile Broadband Index 2018

The data contained in the India Mobile Broadband Indec 2018 report confirms the magnate's declarations.

Total traffic has grown by 114% in 2017, driven by a drastic increase in 3G and 4G data usage, equal to 99% of the total traffic for December 2017.

Access to the 4G network, the fall in data plan prices and better coverage mean that the country is continually increasing mobile usage.

That is just why the country means to invest in 5G coverage, as it could favour the development of intelligent cities, improve access to public low latency services, such as the health system and education.

The commercial launch of the Indian 5G is forecast to occur before 2020, driven by operators which invest in network virtualisation as part of their 4G launch.