
The 7 most important automotive techs for 2019

The automotive sector historically is linked to technological innovation, both in terms of the development of new mechanical and engineering solutions (engines, consumption, materials used etc.) and regards the integration of outside solutions, increasingly present nowadays.

Just think about the ever-more sophisticated automatic driving systems and the smart car concept.

2019 appears to be a super-interesting year from this point of view, with many new features ready to overwhelm the automotive markets.

In this article, we will be listing the 7 most important automotive technologies for 2019.

1) Automatic steering

Some international manufacturers are already including solutions which will reduce the necessity for the driver to swerve to avoid hitting road obstacles.

Automatic steering is linked to pilotless driving and assisted braking, and its objective is to increase driving safety both for passengers and pedestrians.

2) Road scanning

Whilst it is a fact that the automotive sector is increasingly focused on driving automation, it is also true that at least for now drivers love to sit at the wheel and drive their cars themselves.

This is exactly why it is essential to develop technologies designed to improve the driving experience.

One example of this is road scanning, meaning a system which analyses the road surface lying directly ahead in order to highlight irregularities, potholes, obstacles, skews and thus adapt the behaviour of the vehicle suspension accordingly.

This will make the driving experience safer, less bumpy and quieter.

3) Wireless charging for smartphones

How often has it happened to you that whilst in the car you realise that your phone is low on battery and that you have left the cable at home or in the office?

A new 2019 feature should solve just this problem, a particularly important one for people who do a lot of road travel and need a smartphone with a constantly full battery.

By fitting vehicles with smartphone wireless recharging systems, stress relating to an uncharged device can be reduced without incurring excessive costs.

4) Vehicle control via apps

In 2019 the idea of using a simple metal key to start your vehicle flies right out of the window, as does the idea of parking your car in a shopping mall car park and not remembering where you left it.

If we can run home heating and lighting systems via smartphone, why shouldn’t we do the same thing with our cars?

Via a vehicle manager app, we can open and close doors, start the engine, turn lights on, check where we left the vehicle, check the electrical system and so forth.

Nowadays everyone has a smartphone on them, and all we need is an intelligent vehicle management system.

5) Pre-collision beepers

The automobile industry has been working forever to make vehicles safer, developing technologies to reduce collision risk to a minimum.

Reducing and eliminating, however, are not the same thing.

A decisive factor, unfortunately, is our negligence whilst at the wheel, meaning we can cause or be involved in an accident.

In these cases, the goal is to limit the damage, for example by strengthening the car and supplying airbags and other safety systems.

An interesting new 2019 feature is a system which will emit a loud, clear beep just before the collision occurs.

How is that useful?

To protect our ears from damage caused by the extremely loud noise caused by vehicle collision.

6) Digital indicators

Digital indicators in some models are replacing static physical indicators. These are useful for sharing more relevant and customised information.

These indicators can supply a better vision of the behaviour and the performance of the vehicle, for example, fuel efficiency, and can also include navigation indications.

In brief, it will be as if there were a dynamic screen in front of your eyes, loaded with vital information on the driving experience.

7) Adaptive Cruise Control

Driving in traffic-filled roads is irritating, above all in rush-hour, due to the continual stop/start driving style.

Fitting a car with a system that regulates vehicle speed to that of the car in front of you, will allow us to considerably reduce stress and avoid switching between the accelerator and brake constantly. This would obviously be beneficial for the driver and the vehicle.


These are just a few of the most important and interesting new technological features which the automotive sector will be producing in 2019. We are sure that this dynamic market will constantly surprise us, developing increasingly innovative solutions and services.

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