
Micro-manufacturing automation is a key factor for the automotive industry

An average percentage annual growth (CAGR) of 4% is forecast for the use of parallel robots in the automotive industry before 2024.

This is the forecast made in the report “Automotive Robotics Market Growth Industry Share Forecast 2024” published by Global Market Insights.

This is a hugely important piece of data, which serves to confirm an inevitable trend: the automation of micro-manufacturing is the key factor which will satisfy demand for the product during the period forecast.

The role of SCARA robots

The number of SCARA robots used in the automotive industry will reach 33 thousand units before 2024.

SCARA is the acronym for Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm and refers to a particular type of industrial robot. It moves an “arm” on a horizontal plane and has a “grab” that can move up and down on a vertical plane.

Recent needs to increase productivity, and associated optimisation, favour market penetration into automotive robotics.

Software and services segment

Global Market Insights suggest that one billion dollars will be exceeded by 2024 for the software and services segment.

Indeed, the superior quality of software programming has improved sectorial growth, allowing real-time decision-making in the production process, sustaining the automotive robotics market growth rate.

Robotic controllers

Robotic controllers for vehicles are the most commonly used hardware, with a CAGR of over 4% in the period included in the forecast. Indeed, in the automotive industry, the use of robotic arms proves indispensable for carrying out repetitive activities in the least time possible.

Improving and simplifying installation procedures, reducing the weight and volume of the models, will indeed promote the growth of robotic arms in the automotive sector.

Better worker safety and wellness.

The increased usage of robotics in the automotive sector over the last two years has produced improved safety regulations, with a consequent improvement in worker wellness.

Where physical manual operations have been substituted by robots, automotive industries have recorded a fall in injuries associated with this kind of production process, with evident advantages for workers and indeed for the companies.

Highest growth is in the APAC area

It’s hardly surprising that the most promising estimates and forecasts for the near future are in APAC countries, that is to say, Asia and the Pacific regions, with over 2 billion dollars.

This is confirmed by the presence of a high number of vehicle manufacturers, which contribute to automotive sector growth.

With regards to Europe, estimates show CAGR at about 3.5% for the 2017 - 2024 period.

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